Read/review the following resources for this activity:
- Textbook (Bossidy & Charan): review all chapters
- Textbook (Thompson, Peteraf, Gamble, & Strickland): review all chapters
- Minimum of 8 outside resources
This course is the capstone course for your MBA program. This final paper will attempt to capture things you have learned throughout the program with a focus on Bossidy & Charan’s (2002) Execution book, as well as the Crafting & Executing Strategy text (Thompson, et. al. 2015). Additionally, you will be expected to provide a comprehensive analysis in a formal research paper to demonstrate true leadership and management understanding.
Activity Instructions
Write a formal research paper that includes answers and analysis around the following areas:
- Bossidy’s & Charan’s (2002) disciple of execution was specifically in terms of their stated three core processes for every successful business: the people process, the strategy process, and the operation process. How do these processes impact, create, and implement successful strategy?
#capstone #case #study #strategic #management