Discussion 1 Assignment : Watch the video on Malden Mills: https://mediaweb.fiu.edu/Mediasite/Play/03658c8f231d44bba61003e803c678721d Read the article: https://ethix.org/2011/06/25/was-aaron-feuerstein-wrong For discussion, address/answer the following (if you use outside sources, provide URL): Was Feuerstein guided by morals or ethics? Do you think he could have made the decision if Malden were a publicly traded company? Why do you think he has critics for his decision? INSTRUCTIONS FOR ASSIGNMENT: 1) Your original post must show effort. The ORIGINAL POST can be expressed in 2-4 paragraphs. The post is graded on content, grammar, spelling, and presentation. You can, and are encouraged, to use outside material such as web sites but you must provide a citation (even an informal citation is acceptable). 2) You must reply to 2 classmates posts. The replies need to have substance minimum 1 paragraph. A reply should show that you spent time and effort reading the post, thinking about it, and responding. They cannot be… “good post.” It should read as a dialogue as if you were discussing in person. You can agree or disagree (if you disagree, do so respectfully. If someone disagrees with you, do not take it personally.
#Malden #Mills