Assault weapons

There were a number of issues that were of national debate following the shooting incident at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. One of these focused on the weapon used, the AR 15 “Military Assault Weapon.” Research the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. What does it allow and what doesn’t it allow regarding gun […]

criminal assault and battery

Find 2 sources that speak about criminal assault and battery in medical settings -These can be a book, peer-reviewed journal article, or an educational or government website (.edu or .gov is acceptable, .com is not acceptable) -Create a “Reference” page and put your 2 sources in APA style -THIS IS THE ONE AND ONLY PAGE […]

Sexual Assault

Research Project Choose one crime victim category, such as sexual assault, domestic violence, child abuse, elderly fraud or abuse,etc. (You can choose the same victim category that you are researching for your final project paper so this can serve as a foundation for that paper.) Research and prepare a minimum 3 to 5 page report […]

Discuss date rapes focusing on sexual assault

Description The paper should discuss date rapes focusing on sexual assault. Talking points can be drugs used and effects on the victims, the long term mental and physical (STDs) effects on the victims, how medical examiners collect the evidence and how it is used to identify the offender. Sources should be less than 10 years […]