Using the Household income equivalence calculator, calculate the

Pep and Jose, in their 40s and 50s, respectively, are setting up home together in the North of England, along with Jose’s son, Alexis, aged 13. Jose’s dad helps with childcare, allowing Jose to work part-time. With his salary and child benefit, Jose has an income of £13,000 a year after tax and other deductions. […]

Net tangible assets and cash flow: Calculate a company’s working

Question  SEQ Question * ARABIC 4       Net tangible assets and cash flow (9 marks | Word limit: 200 words) LO3: Calculate a company’s working capital, profitability and market performance ratios using its annual report. LO4: Assess the company’s performance using the results of the financial ratios calculated to make an investment recommendation. (a)       Calculate JBH’s […]

Calculate the change in price for each Export sector between 2007 and

5:   (20 points) Terms of Trade: Download the EXCEL file < CANADA-import-export-price-index_2015>. The file has data on the volume index for imports and exports by commodity group and an index of prices for each category.  The index has 2007 as the base year.  All sectors are given an index of 100.  If, in 2013, the […]

Simple Interest: Borrow $40,000 at 9% on a 270 day loan. Calculate the

Simple Interest 6. Borrow $40,000 at 9% on a 270 day loan.  Calculate the simple interest. 7. Borrow $20,000 at 8% on a 90 day loan.  Calculate the simple interest. 8. Borrow $10,000 at 6% on a 40 month loan.  Calculate the simple interest. 9. Borrow $5,000 at 10% on a 28 month loan.  Calculate […]