The contemporary relevance of the US Constitution.

The US Constitution was written in 1787, well over 200 years ago. Despite its age, it is clear that the Constitution has a profound impact on all of our lives today. For this assignment,  reflect carefully on the contemporary relevance of the US Constitution, both at a general and personal level. Here are the specific […]

Discuss how political culture shapes the Texas Constitution and our

Description Discuss how political culture shapes the Texas Constitution and our relationship with the national government. (Use examples.) Then, explain what you see as the strengths and weaknesses of the Texas Constitution as related to the current conditions in Texas. (For conditions, you can consider economic or cultural conditions, just be sure to use examples.) […]

POL 407 Mid-Term Study Guide: Under the Constitution, what steps must

The following are words, phrases or questions you should know and understand to do well on the mid-term. You will be asked not only to be able to define the terms but also to explain their significance, such as which chamber uses them, and what, if any, controversy may be involved. The “two” Congresses Define […]