FORMAT OF THE READING ASSIGNMENT Previewing When you preview, you try

FORMAT OF THE READING ASSIGNMENT Previewing When you preview, you try to get a sense of the writer’s main idea, key supporting points, and general emphasis. At this stage, you don’t read every word; instead, you skim the text. You can begin by focusing on the title, the first paragraph (which often contains a purpose […]

Produce an individual essay in the format of an article for a business

Description You will produce an individual essay in the format of an article for a business publication. You may choose The Economist or Harvard Business Review (print edition). Using primary and secondary research, you will create your own views on a contemporary issue relevant to one of the following macro themes: • Theme 1 – […]

Direct strategy analytical report using memo format.

1. Use online sources and the library’s databases to find a minimum of three credible, sources published within the past ten years to gather information for your report. Credible sources include relevant national news media, trade journals and magazines, etc. 2. Write a full two-page (plus reference list), direct strategy analytical memo report for Mr. […]