What is the difference between Kantian philosophy and utilitarian

Business Ethics   Please answer each of the following two questions in 2-3 pages each (so, 4-6 pages total). You may consult whatever sources you like in the course of writing your response, but you may only cite those texts that we read for class. Please be sure to double-space your responses, and to write […]

How might Utilitarian, Kantian, or virtue ethics address the issue;

Assignment: What are the company’s moral obligations in the case study you chose? How might Utilitarian, Kantian, or virtue ethics address the issue; what ideals, effects, and consequences are at stake? This assignment will give you the opportunity to choose a case study, and then write about the ethical implications and the impact of the […]

Ethics of Care, Virtue Theory, Kantian Deontology, or Utilitarianism.

You are to chose one theory from the following: Ethics of Care, Virtue Theory, Kantian Deontology, or Utilitarianism. You are to pick five case studies from the textbook. Clearly and accurately, explain/summarize the theory you have chosen. This is worth 40 points. Clearly and accurately, summarize each case study (This is worth 40 points) before […]