Creation of a personal philosophy of teaching and learning is

The creation of a personal philosophy of teaching and learning is foundational to successful practice. It is, then, critical to synthesize the resources and tools in this course with additional evidence, philosophies, and one’s own practice to construct a grounded and evidence-based personal philosophy of teaching and learning. This philosophy will guide daily practice as […]

How does technology affect learning?

Write a 825 words essay. Your essay must have an argumentative thesis. This essay will require you to refine and analyze your topic, produce an argumentative thesis, and defend that thesis with evidence and examples, which in this case can be anecdotal. While you may be drawing upon personal experience, do not write in first […]


By now, you have learned about learning theories such as behaviorism, social cognitive theory, constructivism, and information processing theory. From the Snowman text, you will select the learning theory that you most closely relate to, and create a presentation using your choice of three presentation options to highlight the major features of this theory. You […]

Learning experience plan (physical experience)

You are required to develop and implement one (1) learning experience plan: Support and challenge physical activity Plan and implement a learning experience using Template 4 – Learning experience plan: (Physical activity). > Consider what type of experiences you could provide to challenge this group of children’s physical activity. How could you encourage risk-taking skills? […]

Perceptual Learning Term Paper

  The term paper should be 3500 to 4500 words in length, which is roughly 12 to 15 double-spaced, word-processed, pages. Note that this does not include the title page, reference pages, figures, and appendices. The typical type size is 12 points (minimum acceptable type size is 11 points). Finally, use one-inch margins all around. […]

AOD 5403 Facilitating Adult Learning

Question # 2:   Beyond Individual Courses:  Seeing Conceptual and Practice Links Across AOD Course Material        During the AOD program you took a series of separate courses over a 2-3 year period.      Although each of the courses stand alone in the program, the material covered across the A0D      courses have important connections […]

We have been working with learning theories focused on behaviorism to

You have already completed mini-assignments which will help you complete this paper. These assignments include Behaviorism, Social Learning, and Conditioning. You can reference these assignments in Canvas to help you with this paper. Outline: Section 1: Introduction Begin with a general overview of the topic (behaviorism) and relate background information, tell a brief story, propose […]

Using Ebooks in teaching and learning

 Develop a template of how to evaluate an online reading program. You should keep this in your personal “toolbox” of resources for use later in the course and in the program. Based on what you shared in the blog and Discussion Forums in this module, identify at least five of your favorite literacy games/sites based […]

Key issues, concerns and learning

Write for each of the cases (4 in total) an 1-pager (4 pages in total). Write about the key issues, concerns and learnings of the cases (in the light of a course global entrepreneurship (regarding my master in management) and a trip in the future to Silicon Valley where we will visit these companies). Be […]

A case study report on a student with exceptional learning needs.

4000 word case study- describing characteristics and implications on placement and provision of educational services for that pupil. – the characteristics and identification procedures of the learners needs in the students country. effects on intervention and educational provisions to meet their needs should be discussed. -use of assessment plan alternatives for the child and effects […]