Liquidity, Profitability and Solvency Analysis

Go to the SEC’s EDGAR database to find a company’s current 10-K form. Do not use a 10-K filing that was not filed in the current year. (For example, choose a company’s 12/31/2017 10-K filing, filed in 2018.) The SEC’s EDGAR database is located here: Use the ‘Company Search’ to locate your company. Then, […]

Liquidity, Debt, and Equity

 For this discussion, assume the role of an investor. How would you know whether the company you are considering to invest in has repurchased any of its own stock and/or issued stock dividends during the current period? Why is this important, and would you find any of this information on the statement of cash flows? […]

Based on the interest rate, liquidity and operational risks identified

The Task Part A: Using examples (Please choose one bank from either, HSBC Holdings PLC, Barclays PLC or JPMorgan Chase & Co) you are required to present a report critically analysing and demonstrating your understanding of the sources, measurement, management and regulatory infrastructure of the following three risks: 1. Interest Rate Risk 2. Liquidity Risk […]