A systematic review and meta-analysis comparing mortality in

Part 1: What is a systematic review? How does this differ to a literature review? When and why is a meta-analysis performed? (5 marks) Part 2: Critically evaluate the following paper: A systematic review and meta-analysis comparing mortality in pre-hospital tracheal intubation to emergency department intubation in trauma patients ( https://ccforum.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13054-017-1787-x ) You should include […]

Descriptive research design, mixed methods, and meta-analysis

Descriptive research design, mixed methods, and meta-analysis highlighted in Chapter 6. Also, we will review Epidemiology and Longitudinal Studies covered in Chapter 7. Take a moment to review the listed publications and videos below to help bring clarity and supplement your course readings as you progress through our course. Descriptive Research Descriptive research is a […]

Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, Clinical Practice Guidelines and

Instructions: Search and locate one systematic review or practice guideline in your topic of interest (Include the citation). Evaluate the following: The systematic review or practice guideline relies primarily on studies conducted in the last five years. The review provides support for the importance of the study The authors have use primary, rather than secondary […]