Hospitals Equipments- Real time Location System

Research problem: hospitals have many equipment’s to help their staff and patients these equipment’s sometimes lost if they moved to another place. One example is patients wheelchair it usually spread around the hospital because patient companion sometimes tends to not returning it to the original place because of laziness or just they found it in […]

What is the function of updating the time period in which Van Sant’s

2. What is the function of updating the time period in which Van Sant’s Psycho is set? Explain how the new setting either does or does not bring anything new to original film. Explain the function of the time period to the overall narrative as part of your answer. 3. Does Gus Van Sant’s Psycho […]

What was the history of Gucci? How did it change over time?

Case Write Up Instructions   Be sure to put your name on the assignment.  You do not need a cover page.  All case write-ups are due at the beginning of the assigned class session.  Late cases will not be accepted.  Students should feel free to collaborate and consult with other students, however, the write-ups must […]

We may liken intervals of external time to distances as the crow

In “The Paradoxes of Time Travel” (1976), the late philosopher David Lewis developed an intriguing line of argument to the conclusion that time travel is possible, though it certainly does not seem so in our everyday experience. Here we seem to face a paradox: on the one hand, it seems that time travel is possible […]

Recall McTaggart’s distinction between the A-series of time and the

Recall McTaggart’s distinction between the A-series of time and the B-series of time: see Sorensen’s A Brief History of the Paradox, pp. 184-185 on McTaggart, and compare Sorensen’s observation on Augustine’s theory of time as subjective, pp. 173-176. Consider the case of your time travel as analyzed in Parts A and B. Where does the […]

Watching TV is or not a waste of time?

No TV Several years ago a group in Italy organized a national viewers’ strike to protest the poor quality of television programs. Italians were urged to watch no TV for an entire weekend, and museums, restaurants, bars, theaters, art galleries, and other businesses gave discounts to people who brought their remote controls with them. The […]

Explain what the images represent in relation to the culture and time

Identify and describe works of art based on their chronology and style, using standard categories and terminology. Soundbox of the lyre from ”King’s Grave” (p. 38, figure 2 10). Explain what the images represent in relation to the culture and time period. Rubric: Student meets criteria of essay questions 40% Student uses element and style […]

Chapter 9 Watching a Website Change over Time with the Internet

 The Internet archive ( (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.) is a nonprofit organization that builds the Internet’s library, the “wayback machine.” Copies of websites are archived at intervals for researchers, historians, and scholars. In this e-project you will take a look at a website of your choice at different stages. (The […]

Artists who work in the same style (from the time period of the artist

Choose any artist that interests you. Below is an artist list but these are only suggestions; you do not have to choose an artist on this list. Please make sure you can find enough information about your artist to complete the paper. Please consider the following information. Each artist will have different information. These topics […]